Monday, March 7, 2016


IFC Midnight
2015 Color
78 Mins.
Matt Mercer, Marianna Palka, Morgan Peter Brown and Anna Lore star.
Written by Craig Walendziak
Directed by Josh Forbes
N/R conatins language, violence, gore sexuality and nudity.

I was definitely not a fan of the original movie. Although an interesting angle I found it to be painfully unnecessary. Centering around a troubled young woman who receives a killer STD after being raped at a party. She soon after begins to exhibit grotesque symptoms that get increasingly worse. What begins as the sniffles soon manifests into vomiting, bleeding and rotting from the inside out. All pushing her towards her final zombified state. This one picks up where that one left off. Lacking the ambition or creativity of the original this entry focuses on a side character from the first who slept with the infected young woman. He begins to exhibit symptoms and accidentally passes them to others. So basically the same setup as the original except nastier which includes but is not limited to chunky blood urine, horrific nosebleeds and puss maggot filled skin abrasions. The infections becomes a sort of epidemic and the film tries to spread it's focus to patient zero and his hysterical motivations as well as a useless Canadian/Irish/English police detective. It all plays out in an extremely amateur fashion and despite a charming lead performance from Mercer is completely uncomfortable, unnecessary and unintentionally funny. Each scene seems to become stupider than the last moving towards it's actionesque finale thats neither believable or effective on any level. If you must, know that this film pales in desperate comparison to the mediocre original but the storyline and the way the subject matter is approached no matter how inconsistent or ridiculous is still slightly interesting. So despite my miserable experience with this film I'd probably still show up for a sequel just too see what idiocy happens. *.5/5

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