Tuesday, April 5, 2016


1999 Color
93 MIns.
Tony Todd, Donna D'Errico, Jsu Garcia and Wade Williams star.
Written by Al Septien
Directed by Turi Meyer
Rated R for language, violence and gore.

Insipid, convoluted, unnecessary, ridiculous, unintentionally funny these are all terms used to describe this ultra terrible fake sequel to the Candyman franchise. Obviously intended for straight to video/dvd consumption in 1999. Day of the Dead makes Farewell to the Flesh looks Oscar winning. It all starts off with a young big breasted woman walking in her cotton white panties and a very small t shirt in an all white bathroom. There's a cheap jump out scare of laughable proportions with some truly loathsome acting to accompany it. Much of the film follows suit. The film centers on a young woman played by playmate? Donna D'Errico , a descendant of Candyman's bloodline, I think. She's supposedly a popular artist but her works looks of the cheap HS variety. She of course becomes entwined in the myth and people start to die all around her. The acting gets worse as the film goes along including a truly "Scary Movie" moment as her best friend is attacked by the title killer and a sex scene featuring one dimensional characters and a glue on swarm of bees. Tony Todd so good in the other films is awful here and seems hammy and bored. it doesn't help that the film is directed by a person with no talent and the screenplay displays a generic, silly culmination of events that goes nowhere but includes being kidnapped by an snm gang of Candyman worshippers, lol. And most offensive of all the effects are so beyond awful featuring but not limited to a 99 cents store Halloween chest plate filled with plastic bees. Considered to be one of the worst sequels of all time. Day of the Dead was dumped to a quiet DVD/Video release and justly so. Now more than 15 years later the film is barely remembered. My advice stop with the second so that the franchise retains some type of credibility. After having survived this entry it's ruined the overall effect for me. .5/5

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