Thursday, February 23, 2017


Universal/Blumhouse Tilt
2017 color
100 Mins.
Daniel Kaluuya, Allison Williams, Catherine Keneer, Bradley Whitford and Caleb Landry Jones
Written and Directed by Jordan Peele
Rated R for language, violence and gore.

Beware! This one arrives on a ton of buzz. Currently it sits at 100% positive reviews on rotten tomatoes. Despite the freakish trailers and critical recommend I went into Get Out with very little expectations and thank god I did because it was disappointing. A lot of the times I find that when a horror movie is very highly reviewed it sometimes doesn't connect with the every day horror fan. And to simply put it Get Out barely qualifies as a horror film. It's not very scary, funny or entertaining. That being said it's not a bad film and does manage to touch on new subject matter for the genre. The subject of racism is a prevalent one especially in today's society. It is without a doubt a very real thing. And the film does manage to broach this subject and explore it with a fare amount of interesting subtext. The film centers on a young African American man who goes to his girlfriends house for the weekend. Upon arriving he begins to experience lots of awkward exchanges with her family and than while at a party, her family's friends. Of course there's some creepy African American servants who act in such a way that doesn't seem natural. Add in some hypnosis and creepy imagery and you have this film. In it's earlier scenes it does mange to explore some common stereotypes in a smart and satirical way.There is of course some twists along the way. All very predictable to anyone whose seen a horror film. I won't name which films this one steals it's plot from because if I did it would give away everything. Unfortunately there's not a whole lot of suspense here the characters are never developed in such a way that we care about any of them. Peele does however manage to create an atmosphere of genuine awkwardness. The film never is as clever as it could be. Lightly touching on subjects and never exploring them to fulfillment. It also seems to promise bigger revelations and a bigger finale but fails on both. In the end it all just feels to familiar and lackluster to register successfully on any level. It's definitely not a fun audience movie and it's definitely not for the indie crowd either. It doesn't even deliver on the standard horror movie tropes unless you think cheap loud noise jump scares and people either standing awkwardly staring or running at you are scary. I do wish I had more good to say about it but it just didn't work for me. I may in fact be missing something, lol. So I warn you if you must see it, ignore the buzz and try and go with an open mind. It's an interesting watch but would work better as a tales from the crypt episode. **.5/5

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