Tuesday, March 14, 2017


Warner Bros./Legendary
2017 color
120 Mins.
Tom Hiddleston, Brie Larson, John Goodman, Samuel L. Jackson, Thomas Mann and John C. Reily star.
Written by Dan Gilroy and Max Borenstein
Directed by Jordan Vogt-Roberts
Rated PG-13 for language, violence and gore.

It always seems that when a remake/reboot comes out people have the tendency to compare that version to the last and in a few cases they view the new version favorably. I myself try and be as open minded as possible looking at each film as a completely independent experience. Like for example when Man of Steel came out people couldn't stop saying how much better it was than Superman Returns. But that prior film was a superior version of the material . Man of Steel was all plastic and showy whereas Returns had a lot of heart and a solid storyline. Now Kong has come out and people are loving it and of course bashing Jackson's version of 2005. Well I myself feel that Jackson's version shouldn't even be compared to this one because it's undoubtedly superior. First of all they are two completely different beasts. Jackson's version was emotional, heartfelt, action packed and driven by strong characters and great performances. This Kong is a muddled, showy, mostly funny but overly absurd popcorn flick.

 It's no doubt that the makers of the reboot are talented. The cinematography and special effects are breath taking. And there are some really unique action sequences. But the characters are all one note for the most part with the exception of John C. Reily and Thomas Mann who add some zest to their roles. Sadly Hidddleston and Larson are completely wasted as they glide through scenes looking like they are on a photo shoot.

Samuel L. Jackson's character is just annoying and reminds us just how hammy he can be at times. Really it's none of their faults as their characters are severely underwritten and unbelievable. Add that to the fact that there seems to be absolutely no believable rationale movie. The characters end up doing insane things for no reason at all and in the rare instance that's someone is given a few character moments they feel forced and unremarkable lost in a sea of cinematic dribble. It's no doubt that the makers here have franchise on the mind as they wish to reboot the character by making him sort of a Kaiju fighting other beasts. But this Kong has little personality just as his counterparts. Sure they all look spectacular, Hiddlestons pecs and seductive eyes and Larson's unbelievably styled, flowing hair, and Long's massive physique and confused expression. But in the end there is just no point, it's just one battle after another which tend to become repetitive and uninteresting after a while. And for a film with a 185 million dollar budget and this much action it should never be dull, but it is.

Sure there are moments a gory spider attack and an underwater beastie are especially impressive but since it's all fluff and doesn't make much of an impact either way. Also it's disappointing on the creature front. Jackson's version has a ton of nightmarish creatures (that bug scene still haunts me) and had even more in the super long directors cut. But besides a big squid and large spider we have some carnivorous birds and a slew of " skull crawlers" which are cool looing over sized lizard thingys. Plus after all the insanity in the 2005 version we got some city destruction. Here it all ends at the island in a supremely ridiculous fashion. I will say that I did enjoy the Apocalypse now homages immensely and visually the film is a tapestry of sheer cinematic beauty. Still though it left me perplexed as to why it was ever done to begin with. **.5/5

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