Sunday, March 19, 2017



1. TRAIN TO BUSAN: This was such an easy choice. It was the only movie this year I finished watching and watched it again the next day. Thrilling, emotional, scary action paced and even a little funny Train to Busan is top notch powerhouse entertainment. It may be familiar subject matter but trust me you've never seen a movie lie this before. The film centers on a young business man who finds himself and his daughter in the middle of a zombie apocalypse while on a train pummeling towards hopeful salvation. Not only one of the best zombie movies ever made but one of the best all time.*****/5

2. THE MONSTER: Writer/Director Bryan Bertino of the brilliant Strangers has finally justly followed up that gut wrenching masterpiece with this strikingly powerful creature feature. The film centers on a young mother and her daughter who have a very troubled relationship. On a stormy night they are on the way to drop the young girl at her fathers when they seemingly hit an animal. Upon further inspection they realize it's been attacked and call for help. But they soon realize the situation is much worse than they imagined as something truly monstrous exposes itself. The story is told through immersive sometimes hard to watch flashbacks. As we see excerpts of their troubled relationship. The scenes are harrowing to say the least lending the material an emotional punch uncommon in films like these. Although the horror aspect takes a backseat to the those surprisingly solid details make no mistake The Monster is a horror movie so expect some bloody goods as well as some nail biting suspense. The film is wonderfully orchestrated by Bertino and features powerful performances from it's leads. Truly one of the most unique and memorable genre entries ever. ****.75/5

3. HUSH: Unjustly dumped to a Netflix release. Mike Flanagan's (Oculus/Ouija Origin of Evil) unique horror thriller centers on a deaf woman in the middle of the woods who finds herself the victim of a home invasion. The young woman is also a writer which lends the proceedings a creative zest as scenarios are played out in her mind. Solid performances taut direction and an intriguing concept make Hush a must see for fans looking for solid thrills. ****.5/5

4. THE INVITATION: A young man and his girlfriend attend a dinner party thrown by old friends. As the night moves along their host's intentions become unclear. We see the story unfold through the eyes of hunky Logan Marshall Green's character whose paranoia exponentially increases as strange things begin to occur. Karyn Kusama directs the proceedings with a slow burn precision that cuts like a knife keeping the audience on the edge of their seats throughout. The film is a bit slow in the offset but the ending is insane and well worth the wait. The film is also packed with solid performances and truly innovative cinematography ****.5/5

5. THE GREEN ROOM: Buzz was plentiful when it came to this taut horror/thriller and although I feel it didn't live up to all the hype. What stands is still a great film. Centering on a Punk Rock Band who plays at a skinhead club and accidentally ends up witnessing a murder. They find themselves imprisoned by the club's owners and will have to result to any means necessary to survive. Loaded with solid performances especially from the late mega talented Anton Yelchin Green Room moves along in an unpredicatable fashion packed to the brim with nail biting tension. ****.25/5

6. THE NEON DEMON: Now I have to admit although I appreciated the artistry of "Drive" I just wasn't a big fan. However now that Nicholas Winding Refn has made his journey over to our dark side I'm happy to say I was so completely disturbed and blown away by the fantastically stylized results. Neon Demon is so much more than what's going on in it's gorgeously grotesque surface. At it's simplest it's a story about a naive young girl who breaks into the modeling world with disastrous consequences. But the film is also a dark exploration of beauty, the falsity of it's pursuit , the fashion world, human nature and our relationship to violence among others. ****.25/5

7. OUIJA ORIGIN OF EVIL: Mike Flanagan's follow up to the cheesy Ouija completely reinvents the concept as it goes back to the start of the original story. Abandoning the silliness of it's predecessor it tackles the concept with a nightmarish precision as a Widowed Mother and her two daughters end up unleashing a dark presence in their house after playing with the infamous game. What makes the proceedings so effective is the development of the centralized characters and their relationships with each other. As the film moves towards it's disturbing finale "Origin" amps up the thrills through good old fashioned suspense avoiding the sordid cliches that plague so many movies nowadays. The movie also sports some of the most nightmarish imagery seen in a studio film as of late ****.25/5

8. 10 CLOVERFIELD LANE: it's no doubt that many wouldn't consider this a horror film. But upon looking at the final details it's hard to say it isn't. The film is no doubt a hybrid of many genres. We were rewarded earlier in the year in this highly intense cinematic experience about a young woman who is seemingly kidnapped and discovers she's being kept there possibly for her own safety by a very scary man played fantastically by John Goodman. Things of course unfold and you discover it's not the movie you think it is. Regardless the film is brilliantly executed with great performances and a killer twist.****.25/5

9. THE CONJURING 2: James Wan's follow up to the brilliant predecessor was gonna pale in comparison no matter how you roll it. That being said the film still illicits a fare amount of goosebumps some of which include one of the most nightmarish villains as of late "the Nun". This time centering on the Enfield Haunting in England. A young girl becomes seemingly possessed by a demonic spirit which garners the attention of the Warrens. The hauntings become increasingly severe and eventually end up tying to their own lives as well. Although the movie does a solid job of developing it's characters and it's setting the film does seem to drag out a bit in it's mid section. Still Wan uses a innovative blend of creative ideas to execute the material keeping it grounded in reality. In the end the execution ends up trying a bit too much instead of settling on the slow burn, classic horrors of the original. ****.25/5

10. WHAT WE BECOME: This taut little Danish zombie film highlights everything we love about the sub genre including characters we love to hate. Centered around a family with a horny teenage son the epidemic unfolds in a small housing complex intimately as the characters make lots of mistakes and discover lots of secrets. Strong performances and solid direction make the proceedings feel extremely immersive and real even though we've visited them before. ****.25/5

11. UNDER THE SHADOW: Flying under the radar from Iran comes this creepy little ghost story about a young mother and her daughter in war torn country getting haunted by a Djinn. The movie screams for an American remake of which I hope they won't do. Because what stands is a solidly executed genre film that's rich in culture and subtext and exposes us to a world so many of us don't know about. ****.25/5

12. YOU'RE KILLING ME: Another film that flew under the radar. This delightful horror comedy about a young gay man coming into his own as a serial killer. He kills his victims in disturbing gory ways as he tries and make his new relationship work with his clueless boyfriend. The movie is solidly executed and although it's never scary it's hilariously clever and inspired in it's own right. ****.25/5

13. PRIDE AND PREJUDICE AND ZOMBIES: Unjustly ignored by critics and audiences alike. PPZ is a ridiculous amount of fun. Cleverly blending the genres the film centers on the Bennett sisters who are in search of love but are also bad ass zombie hunting warriors. The action sequences are innovative, the dialogue is unique, the romance is swoon worthy and the horror packs a punch. Fans of Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter which I thoroughly enjoyed will find lots of fun here as well as anyone open to seeing these genres combine. ****.25/5

14. DON'T BREATHE: After his super fun reboot of Evil Dead big things were expected of Fede Alvarez. Although a solid horror flick I don't really feel Don't Breathe brings anything new to cannon but what it does is execute the proceedings with a macabre, delightful glee. Set around a group of thieves who try and rob a blind veteran discovering his horrible secrets. Featuring slam dunk performances by Jane Levy, Stephen Lang and Dylan Minette Alvarez keeps the proceedings fun, stylish and tense. And featuring one of the most cringe worthy scenes of all time. Turkey Baster anyone ****/5 

15. 31: Rob Zombie returned to the scene with a film that delivered more of the thrills his fanbase (like me) has been waiting for. Still it seemt like a bit of the passion he usually has for his projects is missing. The movie tells the simplistic story of a group of carnies kidnapped by a bunch of rich sickos on Halloween to participate in a sadistic game in which they must survive a series of homicidal maniacs to survive the night. There's lots of interesting bits here and the bizarreness of Zombie is fully on display but the film lacks the quippy dialogue of his earlier films as well as any type of character development. Still there's a solid amount of scares, gore and some light symbolism on display lending the proceedings some much needed heft. Plus ****/5

16. SCARE CAMPAIGN: This cool little horror flick centers around a horror reality show in which they make it seem like so very twisted things are happening. Well in an effort to get there ratings up they decide to increase the stakes by involving one of their staff with disastrous consequences. The film cleverly sets up it's premise and offers twist after surprising twist all the while keeping the intensity ratcheted up. ****/5

17. I AM NOT A SERIAL KILLER: This one really caught me off guard I had no idea what I was getting into. On it's surface the film seems like a coming of age story in which a young teen is beginning too indulge his homicidal tendencies but it becomes so much more. The twist is killer and the execution is awesome. All of the madness is topped off by surprising performance from Christopher Llyod. ****/5

18. LIGHTS OUT: It could have been a big flub, sure it was a terrifying short. But most shorts never expand well and what possible girth could they possibly give a one note scare. Well "lights" is proof that the makers had way more ideas when it came to the concept than they let on. Because this is a fully fleshed out little horror flick. The movie is centered around a young woman whose family is seemingly being targeted by a demonic presence who can only live in darkness. The makers smartly utilize the light and dark angle and the direction gives the proceedings a taut edge while the performances are strong across the board. But even fleshed out Lights out still doesn't have a whole lot going on besides scares on it's mind. Which is fine because that's why we showed up. ***.75/5

19. MORGAN: Unjustly ignored by critics and audiences alike this entertaining and thought provoking sci-fi horror film suffers from a bit of been there done this but still manages to offer smart competent entertainment with solid performances from Kate Mara and Anya Taylor Joy as well as some nice support from Michee Yeoh, Toby Jones and Boyd Holbrook. The movie centers around a group of scientists and the artificial humanoid they've created who after a disturbing incident a risk analysis agent played by the stone cold Mara is brought in. The film moves along predictability for the most part under using most of it's cast which include Rose Leslie and Paul Giamatti but the culmination of events is quite surprising and adds an interesting immersive zest to the proceedings. ***.75/5

20. THE PURGE ELECTION YEAR: Picking up some years after the events of Anarchy. Grillo is now an agent for a senator up for the Presidency who wants to stop the purge all together. Of course as Purge Night hits they target the senator who finds herself and her bodyguard in the middle of the city. James DeMonaco continues his intriguing genre franchise in a more political direction this time around. Athough it nevers manages to be as entertaining as the second instalment or as deep as the first it still poses some interesting questions especially considering the recent election. Oh yeah and The Purge is even crazier than ever. ***.75/5

21. FRIEND REQUEST: I'm not even sure if this is officially out yet but it did have a quick VOD run before it was taken away. probably because they realized they have a pretty damn good movie on their hands that doesn't deserved to be dumped. Especially considering the slew of under whelming internet horror ficks hitting the multiplexes. A young woman finds herself in the middle of a nightmare when a strange young woman she allowed to friend her on facebook becomes stalkerish and eventually commits suicide. Soon after her friends begin to die in horrifically gruesome ways and the posts of their death appear on her page implicating her in the crimes and taking her friend count down to zero. The movie is surprisingly clever and surprisingly scary. It's a solid teen horror thriller that could have used a better title but if truth be told it does fit it rather well. Hopefully it finds the distribution it deserves. ***.75/5

22. PET: Hobbit Dominic Monoghan takes the girl of his dreams captive and locks her in a cage underneath an animal shelter with disastrous results. Cleverly executed with fine performances and a neat little twist. Pet mostly flew under the radar but definitely deserves a look. ***.5/5

23. CARNAGE PARK: This hybrid stylish horror flick is a combination of Texas chainsaw massacre meets Tarantino meets Zombie. The movie centers around a robbery in which a young woman is kidnapped and finds herself on the private land of a homicidal serial killer. Who hunts and traps his victims on his desert property. The movie is directed creatively and borrows liberally from many other films such as the original Chainsaw, Chainsaw 2 , House of 1000 corpses, Wolf Creek and From Dusk til Dawn to name a few. The end result feels a little familiar but is mostly carried past it's faults with a stellar lead performance from Ashley bell. The movie can be a bit too stylish in parts for it's own good but still makes it's mark as a promising debut for a exciting new film maker. ***.5/5

24. THE AUTOPSY OF JANE DOE: "Jane" arrived on a wave of hype just a few weeks ago. I definitely went in with expectations and although the proceedings were different than I imagined the film mostly met them. The film centers on a father son team of morticians who acquire the strange body of a young woman after she's found in the basement of a house where two people have been brutally murdered. As they perform the autopsy they begin to discover spooky things about their client and terrifying events begin to take place. The film has a great build up, a great concept, a great twist and solid performances but unfortunately the culmination is a bit of a let down. Still the film offers more than a fare amount of nightmarish thrills that make it worth the watch. ***.5/5

25. THE OTHER SIDE OF THE DOOR: Cursed with a limited release "Other Side" is a surprisingly well done cultural mix genre film that hasn't been done to this success since Serpent and the Rainbow. Well it's not as good as that but the film is solid none the less. It centers on an American family living in India. They have just lost their boy to a car accident and the mother is dangerously depressed. One day her housekeeper suggests a sacred temple so that she can make her peace. But she ends up unleashing her son's spirit that has taken on a dark form and is being tracked by the god of the dead. The movie is really interesting in how ambitious it is to mix the cultural aspects into a traditional haunting film giving it some zest. Setting it aside from the overly mediocre dreck plaguing cinemas these days. It's not a perfect watch but it's creative with solid performances and a truly intriguing concept. ***.5/5

26. FENDER BENDER: This movie was really under the radar for me but I'm so happy I discovered it. Giving the traditional teen slasher some umph the film centers on a young woman stalked by a killer she had a fender bender with. The execution is simplistic, creepy and effective and although there doesn't seem to be much more than what's going on at face value the lead performance is solid, the direction is taut and the villain is unique. A must see for fans of slasher films. ***.5/5

27. CABIN FEVER: This remake got a lot of flack. But those willing to approach the material with an open mind should appreciate the different angles and interpretation of the material on display. Centering around a group of friends who find themselves dealing with a flesh eating virus. All the expected goodies are here but delivered with a little more nasty. The cast is decent and the sex change switch is inspired. Ok it's not original but I actually had a lot of fun. ***.5/5

28. SHUT IN: Unjustly shunned by critics and audiences. Naomi watts stars in this deliciously crazy horror thriller as a mother taking care of her step son after he was fatally injured in a car accident. She works from a home office as a child psychologist and after a strange young boy enters her life questionable things begin to happen. Leaving the audience wondering if it might all be in her mind. Well the film has a whopper of a twist and the suspense is executed solidly with an expected strong performance from Watts. And props for that edge of your seat 20 minute finale.***.5/5

29. EMELIE: Sure to make you question babysitters Emelie centers on a psychotic young woman intent on finding a baby of her own. Set up around one night two young clever kids try and foil her plan. The early scenes are quite uncomfortable at times but the colmination of events is well wroth the slow burn. ***.5/5

30. THE GOOD NEIGHBOR: James Caan shines as a grumpy old man as he is illegally surveiled by two kids across the street who simulate a haunting. I'm pretty sure this is not a horror film even though it's set up as one. I won't ruin what happens but the film has a deep message about perception and reality which is surprisingly well done and originally executed. ***.5/5

31. SIREN: Inspired by the prostitute short in the original VHS trilogy. What could have been a disaster by expanding the material ends up being surprisingly fun. The film centers on a bachelor party who finds themselves at a evil brothel of sorts. In efforts to help a young woman they set her free with disastrously nasty consequences. Although not very scary the film boasts plenty of gory special effects and a well thought out expanse of the material that's playful and original. Although some of the effects look schlocky and the film completely surrenders to it's B movie tropes it's hard to deny the dark delight that's on display. ***.5/5

32. THE WINDMILL MASSACRE: It's the old bus full of sinners getting judged by a humongous, creepy slasher armed with a scythe bit. There's a bit more to it as the film uniquely combines different language and cultural sub plots to make the seemingly generic proceedings have a bit more spunk. the film is packed with deliciously gory bits and some creative death sequences. ***.5/5

33. JERUZALEM: This found footage religious horror film set in the holy city is centered around a group of friends that find themselves in the title destination during the apocalypse. The film is surprisingly immersive and features lots of nasty creatures and a whole lot of imagination. Although it begins to loose some of it's punch towards the end the film is worth a watch if only to see how scary the bible is. ***.5/5

34. THE UNSPOKEN: Centering around a young girl whose bullied in her small town and takes up a job as a babysitter in the towns infamous murder house. The Unspoken arrived under the radar with a surprisingly unique concept. It's not just a possession or haunting film the final twits gives a clever girth to the material and the goes places you couldn't possibly predict. ***.5/5

35. HOWL: Finally a werewolf movie with bite. The movie tells the tale of a late night train ride that goes very badly. While on there trip it becomes derailed in the middle of nowhere and they are targeted by some very hungry werewolves. The makeup and creature design are unique, disturbing and pretty friggin cool. There's some solid character development and a fun lead performance from sexy Ed Spleers. ***.5/5

36. THE SHALLOWS: The stunning Blake Lively stranded on a rock and being stalked by a shark in the middle of paradise. Jaume Collett Serra of House of Wax and Orphan directs this solid killer shark flick. Although I expected more intensity especially considering his past genre efforts I can't help but be impressed by the stylish visuals and the solid lead performance from Lively showing she's got the goods to anchor a flick even through delivering some rough dialogue. ***.5/5

37. HELL HOUSE: I basically sh*t my pants watching this. But I must say that I become terrified by these found footage films that make me believe whats going on. And this one hit me just in the right place. A group of friends who work in making a new haunted house every year, set up shop in an old haunted hotel. The film opens up with shocking news about deaths that occurred opening night and than we get to experience what led up to that through tapes that were discovered. The film is solidly executed and just makes you believe that it's all downright evil.***.5/5

38. CURVE: Jullianne Hough stars as a young bride headed cross country who comes upon a very hot psycho played by Teddy Sears who has some sick little plans for her. The movie is pretty intense and solidly executed. There are some ass clenching scenes as Hough is stranded n a flipped over car and taunted by her captor of sorts. The whole movie doesn't take place there eventually moving on to a mostly satisfying if slightly generic finale. ***.5/5

39. SACRAFICE: The criminally under rated Radha Mitchell stars as a young woman who moves to Ireland with her husband after she has miscarriages. After some questionable incidents she begins discover an odd cult in which the wife is killed after giving birth. The culmination leads a little too be desired and there are some points where it seems to drag a little all in all it's an interesting genre entry even though it feels all too familiar. ***.5/5

40. REGRESSION: Emma Watson and Ethan Hawke star in this creepy more thriller than horror pic centering on a young girl who has seemingly escaped from a dangerous satanic cult. There's nothing really new here but it's solidly made with good performances and a nice little twist. ***.5/5

41. SOUTHBOUND: This trio of dessert bound stylish horror tales fares better than the VHS films. But it's weak entries leave a little to much too be desired. Set around a highway in which very bad things happen we start out solidly and than things get a little questionable. ***.25/5

42. SHARKNADO 4: I'm waiting for the entry that I don't enjoy. This one fares better than the last 2 as the sharks attack lots of landmarks with a cyborg Tara Reid. It's ridiculous nonsensical and fun. ***.25/5

43. FLIGHT 7500: Takashi Shimuzu's (Ju-On/The Grudge) haunted airplane flick finally grounded this year after a few years in flight (see what I did there)> The results are decent but overly generic with an expected twist ending that doesn't do the material any favors. Still there's a decent amount of fun to be had here. ***.25/5

44. RATTER: Utterly disturbing and immersive this tale of a young woman being cyber stalked is shown through the eyes of her devices. The lead performance is solid but the concept is one note and although it effectively communicates it's horror it never goes anywhere unexpected. ***.25/5

45. HOLIDAYS: A bunch of genre directors tackle holidays with varying degree. Although none of the stories are bad. None of them really manage to stand out either. There is a fun one about Valentine's Day and the Easter entry is nightmarish. All the film is stylishly executed to a fault in most cases leaving the proceedings a bit confused. ***.25/5

46. DAYLIGHTS END: Although a little dragged out in some parts Daylight's end ends up being a solid zombie action pic. The film centers on a group of survivors who deceide to make a final stanmd against the horde of the undead. Nothing new here but it's executed well but solid character and story development and some good performances and thrilling action sequences. ***.25/5

47. THE ONES BELOW: A young pregnant couple move into a new flat and meet their creepy pregnant neighbors. After a foolish but devastating accident the neighbors move out. Months later they return with an apology but there something that doesn't feel right as strange occurrences begin happening leading up to an expected but well executed finale. The film has solid performances all around and is pretty good but just doesn't add up to much. ***.25/5

48. THE DIABOLICAL: Ali Larter stars in this seemingly simple Haunting flick as a young single mother who has two kids. The incidents begin to become more and more aggressive before the film completely flips unveiling something far more interesting and intriguing but not as entertaining. Worth a watch for that killer twist. ***/5

49. ABATTOIR: This supernatural flick offers an intriguing concept and is quite surprising in where it takes it. A young reporter whose family is brutally murdered discovers that the room in which the violence happened has been entirely extracted from the house. Upon further investigation she learns that this isn't the first time this has happened and begins to unveil more disturbing secrets that she should have never looked for. This is a rough film because it never really finds it's place. the concept is intriguing, the visuals are spooky, and the film has a studio look to it. But the execution feels confused. Some of the characters appear as if they are from classic film noir and dress and talk like they are to some degree but it's set in modern times. Abattoir is an intriguing, strangely executed film that never finds it's footing but offers up some intriguing questions. ***/5

50. THE VEIL: Jessica Alba, Lily Rabe and Thomas Jane star in this unjustly buried cult thriller. The film centers on a young woman who revisits the grounds where she escaped from a suicidal cult as a young girl. It's not a great movie, But there's enough here to merit a light recommendation. There's a few unexpected thrills and the film is much darker than you'd imagine. ***.25/5

51. INCARNATE: Aaron Eckhart stars as a handicapped exorcist who approaches the possessions by invading the victim's minds and trying to break them free. Conceptually the film is fantastic but the execution can be hammy at times and the potential only feels half realized. Still there's enough here to merit a light recommend. ***/5

52. THE DARKNESS: Greg McClean brings us this interesting little horror movie centered around an ancient Indian burial ground of sorts. Like the haunting movies of yesteryear the film manages to raise some goose bumps with old school camera work and just plain spookiness. Kevin bacon and Radha Mitchell star as a married couple who life comes under attack by the evil entity. It's not a perfect flick by any means and there are some light pacing issues but all in all it's decent. ***/5

53. PANDEMIC: Rachel Nichols stars in this first person zombie survival horror film. There's very little plot here and it all feels like a video game. That being said there's a fare amount of fun for most of the film's run time before it tries to become a real movie. ***/5

54. EXORCISM OF MOLLY HARTLEY: Much better than the first and that's not saying much. At least this time around there's some cool bits spread throughout as the title character gets exorcised. Decent performances and some nifty special effects highlight the somewhat generic proceedings. As well as a very sexy Devon Sawa. ***/5

55. THE FAITH OF ANNA WATERS A.K.A. THE OFFERING: Although not great this decent little exorcism film gives the proceedings a bit of an original jolt as the film's twist takes it's more widespread. An interesting plot line, some nicely executed shocks and decent performances separate this one from the satanic flock. **.75/5

56. WITHIN: Sexy Michael Vartan buys a new house for his family and soon discovers something might be living with them. Not great but oddly watchable. Although the proceedings are a bit expected it still manages to build a decent amount of suspense with a disturbing little twist. ***/5

57. TRASH FIRE: Adrienne Greneir stars in this psychological horror film as a young man who returns home to make amends because he's a father to be. Some clever dialogue and a tight performance from Fionnula Flanagan makes the proceedings worthwhile. By it's end it all gets so weird it's hard not to give it props even though it feels kind of pointless. ***/5

58. THEY LOOK LIKE PEOPLE: Interesting little psychological horror film of sorts that makes you play along with a pair of friends as one of them undergoes a psychotic break or a revelation. you decide. Solid performances and a witty conclusion give this one some heft. ***/5

59. THE WITCH: This over hyped but atmospheric horror drama centers on a family who is torn apart by suspicious of witchcraft. It plays out in a subtle fashion with a confusing ending. Anya Taylor Joy gives a solid performance while everything else feels too much like some church play. **.75/5

60. SATANIC: That girl from Modern family stars in this somewhat nifty but ultimately silly satanic horror film about a group of friends that expose themselves to the occult with nightmarish consequences. It's fairly generic but leads up to an interesting and disturbing conclusion. **.75/5

61. RECOVERY: Some teens go looking for their friend by tracking her cell phone into the ghetto. They arrive at a creepy house and soon finds themselves taken captive by a sadistic family intent on adding them to the collection. There's some neat little twists here but it's all done in a very amateur fashion. **.75/5

62. CLOWN: Eli Roth presented this nifty little creature flick that's never as scary as it should be. The film centers on a man who puts on an old clown costume for his son's bday and finds that he can't take it off. Despite several attempts it seems to be glued to his skin and he's starting to getting a hunger for children's flesh. it's a neat little concept with some cool ideas and nightmarish imagery but it never gets to the point where it's actually good instead just settling for decent. **.75/5

63. SHADOWS OF THE DEAD: It's a syfy movie and it delivers on the bare minimum amount of cheesy goods. A demon like creature hunts a bunch of marked high school students. Cheestastic  with a cool little concept that kinda works **.75/5

64. AVA'S POSESSIONS: I really wanted to love this movie but it just didn't go where I needed it to. It center's around a young woman as she undergoes recovery from demonic possession. The execution is creative and loony but the film is never scary or clever as it thinks it is. Still there's a bit of ridiculous campy fun here and it's mostly intentional.**.75/5

65. LET'S BE EVIL: A group of strangers take a job at a mysterious experiment involving children. They are made to wear special goggle to access the environment but the more they stay they begin to realize that something just isn't right. Creatively executed with some innovative cinematography "Evil" never really seems to find it's way completely. Although interesting and a little fun the concept feels one note and doesn't really go anywhere. **.5/5

66. THE DISAPPOINTMENT'S ROOM: Well it could have been worse. Kate Beckinsale dons some terrible blonde hair in this interesting but convoluted horror thriller about a family that moves into a haunted house and discovers a creepy room. It's all fairly formulaic and the ending is pretty much what you'd expect but it does mange to be mildly watchable. **.5/5

67. INDIGENOUS: Standard issue creature flick about American tourists in Panama. Creature design is decent and the film has a few scares but nothing here to merit a recommendation. **.5/5

68. ALLELUIA! THE DEVIL'S CARNIVAL: Not as good as the original but loaded with creativity Alleluia's story feels a little forced by the costume and set design are spectacular as well as the impressive makeup but it seems to drag out it's run time. **.5/5

69. THE BOY: This movie is okay, the twist is okay the performances are pretty hammy. A young woman takes up a babysitting job in the English countryside and discovers she's watching a doll that reminds the older couple of their dead son. There are some creepy bits here and cool set up but the film never takes it anywhere new. **.5/5

70. HOME: Heather Lagenkamp stars as one half of a lesbian couple haunted by ghosts. It's all fairly generic with a neat but expected twist. Lagenkamp is great as always and deserving of way better material. **.5/5

71. THE FOREST: Natalie Dormer and sexy Taylor Kinney explore the infamous suicide forest in Japan in search of her twin sister. And guess what she gets haunted by a bunch of ghosts. Intriguing concept with soap opera execution. Not a lot of scares here but some creepy imagery. **.5/5

72. VISIONS: Isla Fischer moves into a winery with her husband and is seemingly haunted by ghosts. Feels a bit like a lifetime movie with an interesting twist. Mostly a waste of time for everyone involved but still mildly watchable. **.5/5

73. SADAKO VS. KAYAKO: Ringu's villain goes up against Ju-on's villain in the insanely plotted monster mash that manages only to entertain slightly but doing some interesting things with the lethargic and too short final battle. **.5/5

74. BLAIR WITCH: The big disappointment of the year is undoubtedly Blair Witch. Besides an intriguing premise the film suffers from faulty performances and a dull execution. When we finally see a creature towards the end it comes across unintentionally funny and all culminates with a lame finale. Still there are moments where you believe it will get better and some intriguing turns for the material. **.25/5

75. LITTLE DEAD ROTTING HOOD: Red gets a modern twist in this formulaic genre mash up. This time around she's a werewolf hunter who must become one to protect the town by some from some evil baddies that are on their way. It's only fun in the so bad it's good way and to tell you the truth it barely makes the grade. Still there's an impressive amount of creativity that goes into the material for better and worse. **.25/5

76. YOGA HOSERS: I really wanted to love Yoga Hosers. It starts out promising as two hip young convenient store workers find themselves in the middle of a creature invasion. It's all pretty fun until it leads up to a ridiculous conclusion and becomes very repetitive and annoying. **.25/5

77. ATTACK OF THE LEDERHOSEN ZOMBIES: Zombies in Switzerland versus skiers. It should all be a lot more fun. Anyone expecting the next dead snow will be disappointed in this lazy mostly humorless, generic zombie flick. **.25/5

78. THE GIRL IN ALL THE PHOTOGRAPHS: For most of it's run time "Girl" feels like it's going somewhere. Well trust be by the film's confusing culmination it just doesn't. The film centers on a beautiful young woman being fixated on a by a pair of gruesome serial killers who like to photograph their victims. Kal Penn shows up for the ride in a truly annoying performance. **.25/5

79. ROAD GAMES: I had high hopes for this film especially after the ton of positive buzz. But it's never horrific enough to be even a horror movie. There's not much more here than a standard issue on the road thriller. The proceedings drag out a bit and never gain momentum as they should. **.25/5

80. THE DEVIL'S DOLLS: Despite a cool concept and neat little beginning the film wastes it's potential in a standard issue police crime horror thriller as a killer possesses some worry dolls. **/5

81. DEMON: Completely overhyped wannabe horror film about a man possessed by a dybuk at his wedding. Solid performances can't save this boring, lazy genre film that tries new things but doesn't deliver on the barest minimum of horror staples. **/5

82. THE REMAINS: Another family moves into a haunted house movie. Nothing new here with barely any scares and a convoluted plot. The beginning is kind of interesting but never goes anywhere. **/5

83. MOST LIKELY TO DIE: So any time Perez Hilton is in a movie you should avoid and he is in this one. Trying to pay homage to classic 80's slashers this insipid horror flick about annoying high school friends being targeted by a graduation cap wearing stalker. Killing scenes mostly suck, the film never builds any suspense and that last twists feels like a kick in the face. *.75/5

84. I AM THE PRETTY THING THAT LIVES NEXT DOOR: A complete and utter disappointment. This dragged out follow up to the amazing Blackcoat's daughter makes me wonder if that film was just a fluke. The film centers on a hospus worker taking care of an older client. Nothing really happens in the film and it leads up too one laughable shock. A waste of time.*.5/5

85. GHOSTHUNTERS: Asylum's attempt at making a good movie is only impressive in the fact that this insipid piece of sinematic dreck is one of their better films. A group of ghost hunters find themselves in deep shit as the investigate a haunted house with steam punk ghoulies. Besides some creepy imagery this film is nill and void of any type of redeemable value. *.5/5

86. SHIN GODZILLA: Ridiculously boring sequel has the title creature invade cities once again and destroy them. the human characters and story are beyond bland but the creature design does rock a little. Too bad there's nothing else to see here. */5

87. ANTIBITH: Natasha Lyonne headlines this piece of garbage as a woman who is impregnated with a strange creature. It's gross but so engaging it all has very little effect. */5

88. CLOWNTOWN: A group of friends on their way to a concert come upon a town with evil clowns in it. Supposedly taken from true events this dull, predictable horror flick lacks any goods to merit even the lightest of recommendations. */5

89. BEYOND THE GATES: Ugh I had high hopes for this movie, but it just disappoints on every conceivable level. What could have been a gnarly little movie about the board game VHS combos of yesteryear instead is a dragged out droll affair where very little actually happens. .75/5

90. CELL: Stephen King's novel gets the blandest treatment as John Cusack and Samuel L. Jackson waste their time in a desperate film about a cell signal that turns most of the population into maniacs. Really just a run of the mill fake zombie flick that's so dull and uninteresting it leaves you wondering why anyone signed on for it to begin with. .5/5

91. THE PACK: A family is attacked by a vicious group of dogs. This movie is just wretched. It's been a while since I've seen characters this dumb. It's infuriatingly silly. .5/5

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