Tuesday, December 15, 2015


2015 color
99 Mins.
William Shatner, George Buza and Rob Archer star.
Written by James Lee, Sarah Larsen, Pascal Trottier and Doug Taylor
Directed by Grant Harvey, Steve Hoban and Brett Sullivan
N/R contains language, violence, gore, sexuality and nudity

It would be easy to write off A Christmas Horror Story as just another generic, terrible Christmas horror flick. Especially since besides a sacred few most of them tend to suck. Well I'm happy to say that the movie is actually a pleasant surprise. Although Krampus is ruling the 2015 season "Christmas" is a solid entry in the holiday sub genre that will surely become a cult classic. Set up as an anthology film the film never quite gels together story wise but most of the stories work rather well as well as most of the twists. The best of the stories is centered around the famous demon Krampus and features a run off side character from another. A shady father takes his spoiled family on a trip to see his rich Aunt so that he can con her out of money and the intimidating spirit is let out of it's shell. The makeup effects in this segment are really impressive and the twist ending is inspired. The second most effective features a troubled family searching for their Xmas tree in a restricted area. Their son gets lost and they find him shortly after bu he's acting very strange. It's safe to say that what follows has some of the most shocking moments I've seen in any movie in quite some time. Plus who doesn't love a movie where a mother hits a demonic kid in the face with a bat. The third centers on old Saint Nick as he battles Elves who have become infected by the zombie virus. Most of the this story feels to silly to work even though Santa is kinda bad ass and it's gory as hell. But the culmination of events is surprising and effective. The least effective story about three kids who brake into their high school where astyear students were found dead has some really creepy moments and is genuinely disturbing but finale sits a little lame especially in he makeup department. All in all it's a fun ride. Sure it's a little sloppy in parts but it's one of the more creative genre entries to come out this year and although it may be a bit too dark in places feeling a little too mean spirited for it's own good A Christmas Story is a creepy holiday treat! ****/5

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