Sunday, December 27, 2015


2014 color
89 Mins.
Anton Yelchin, Alexandria Daddario, Ashley Greene and Oliver Cooper star.
Written by Alan Trezza
Directed by Joe Dante
Rated R for language, violence, gore and sexuality.

It's true that Joe Dante has lost his touch a bit. His last great film was Gremlins 2. Not that he hasn't been trying but nothing in Small Soldiers, Looney tunes back in action or even Matinee came close too his classics like Gremlins and Innerspace. And I know he made a little bit of a comeback to most with his foray into kiddie horror with the hole but I found the movie a little dull and generic. That being said I'm happy to say that I was pleasantly surprised by Burying the Ex. It's not a perfect movie by any means but it's fun and has more than it's fare share of memorable moments. Anton Yelchin stars as the film's lead a young man named Max who works at a supernatural shop of sorts. He's dating an annoying, clingy young woman played by Ashley Greene whose a little bit jealous and a whole lot clingy.When he eventually gathers the courage to break up she's hit by a bus before he can do it and  than comes back with the help of a satanic charm just when he just seems to be hitting it off with a new, charming, more laid back young lady played by sexy Daddario. What follows is some laughs and creeps and eventually she gets hungry and than there's some impressive splatter.  Also there's a few memorable involving some gooey stuff along the way. Eventually if he wants any chance of saving his new romance and possibly her life he has to put his ex in the ground for good. Although we've seen this film before and most of it has been better. "Burying" has an inventive charm about it and is Dante's most inspired piece of work in years. The actors are all charming Greene the least of the three but even she has her moments, Daddario is endearing and the adorable Yelchin who should be a household name and a big time movie star once again shines here lending the role his engaging charm.  Burying the Ex is not one of the best films I'e ever seen but I'd be lying if I said that I wouldn't be revisiting a couple more times.***.75/5

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