Thursday, September 15, 2016


2000 Color
90 Mins.
Kim Director, Jeffrey Donovan, Erica Leerhseen, Stephen Barker Turner and Tristine Skylar star.
Written and Directed by Joe Berlinger
Rated R for language, violence, sexuality, nudity, drug use and gore.

Now I know many of you loathe this movie. But now that it's been 16 years since it's rushed release it's a good flick to revisit. Upon Blair Witch 2's release in the fall of 2000 the film was built up as the next chapter in a promising new horror franchise. From various magazine covers and a plethora of hype the film finally released on October 27, 2000 with a dud. The film opened with a less than stellar 13 million and ended it's run with just a little over 26 a far cry from the domestic 140 million plus take of the original. Budgeted at only 15 Million the film was still a slight success but it was the film that killed the franchise all together. I remember being so excited for this film to come out and going on opening night and like a mere 31% of the audience I wasn't disappointed.

 It's actually the first film that got me into writing. I was so peeved off by audience's reactions to the film I became very passionate about it all ,deconstructing what I saw and finding deeper meaning in many things. Now so many years later the film has built a small cult audience most of which that watch for the sheer silliness of it's execution. I, on the other hand still hold the film up as a slam dunk sequel and although I can now see the many missed opportunities throughout, the driving subtext through the film still intrigues me even to this day. Having recently revisited it last weekend to get ready for the new film releasing on Sept 16. I was once again enthralled by the on the surface simplistic story of a group of movie fans who go researching the nightmarish legend only to find themselves enwrapped in something far more sinister. Unlike the original this entry has more gore, some sex, nudity, drug use the expected staples of the genre but it's also just so much more.

 To really engulf your self in the proceedings you have to learn the history surrounding it and not just the made up bullshit. Writer/Director Joe Berlinger made his feature film debut with this movie known only by his Paradise Lost films. A series of award winning documentaries that shed light on the real life case of a group of gothic youngsters accused of killing a young child in their small town. The films were made to exonerate them showing the far more suspicious people surrounding the murder and how the accused were targeted because of the way they dressed and the music they liked. In a way it's almost depicted as a modern day witch hunt.

 So now we arrive at BW2 Book of Shadows. In the title alone Berlinger has stated the films undeniable attachment to those documentaries. There is no actual Book of Shadows in the film but that actually comes from a book that the accused possessed in Paradise Lost. The film is set on this group of obsessed movie fans who are blamed for gruesome murders of a nearby camp because of a seemingly suspicious thread of evidence highlighted by their obsession with the original film as well as the way they look and the beliefs they have. There is one point in the film where one of the actors all of which use their own names says " people think I'm a killer or something just because of the way I dress." None of the characters in the film feel real but work more as exaggerated stereotypes that are targeted because people don't understand them and that leads to a fear of the unknown.

 As the film moves along it manages to be a so so horror sequel that fleshes out the originals concept a bit more but does so in a way that it comes off a bit comical. But underneath it all the film is asking the audience to question their beliefs on the whole hysteria as well as obsession, the media's twisting of the truth, mental illness and prejudice amongst many other things. In the film's climax we see one thing while it happens and later learn it has appeared differently on film which one character highlights earlier on saying that "film lies but video tells the truth". There are so many layers to this film and it's ambition for better or worse is what makes it so brilliant in my humble opinion.  the performances from Donovan and Director are memorable and inspired and both have gone on to do a lot more with the careers.

 the rest of the performances range from mediocre to unintentionally funny in spots. And yes there are scenes that just don't translate well and come off hokey as hell, as well as some questionable dialogue. However,  In conclusion all of these things make Blair Witch 2 so much more than what people originally saw it as. A cheap cash in on a big property. The film isn't perfect by any means but instead of following the original films formula it dared to be different and wasn't rewarded for it but as we all know mainstream audiences tend to want the same thing over and over again which is obvious  with the endless parade of unnecessary sequels, remakes and reboots. This film however stands apart as a true work of art worth further examination. for extra fun watch the documentary on the DVD the secrets of Esrever and look for clues hidden throughout the film. ****.75/5

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