Friday, September 9, 2016


2016 Color
92 Mins.
Kate Mara, Anya Taylor Joy, Toby Jones, Boyd Holbrook, Michele Yeoh, Brian Cox. Jennifer Jason Leigh and Paul Giamatti star.
Written by Seth W. Owen
Directed by Luke Scott
Rated R for language and violence.

Walking into Morgan I didn't know what to expect. And after some less than exciting reviews and audience reaction my expectations were on the low side. Still something from the trailers intrigued me. Maybe because I've been feeling starved for a more adult sci-fi tale as of late. But it's not just that the trailers represented a film that was more adult or just sci-fi it all seem to have a bit of horror tinge to it. Well I can say that I was happy with the end results. I have a feeling that most people may have felt misled in the film's advertising but I actually feel that they captured the film perfectly. The film centers on a group of scientists working on synthetic A.I. life forms. They are trying to engineer a human being of sorts. As with most films of this type the results end up back firing. The film isn't preachy in any way and truth be told it could have used a bit more science. But Morgan is very entertaining. It's a familiar journey and has some predictable spots but the culmination of events is well worth seeing. It has a creepy, atmospheric vibe throughout as well as a few jump scares. But what's most impressive is how the movie manages to transform the events in a subtle way. nothing feels too over the top or cheesy. The performances are solid across the board led by a standout lead from Kate Mara who has just become one of my new favorite actresses. 

Anya Taylor Joy is solid as well giving her behaviorist an essential emotional edge and Michelle Yeoh and Paul Giamatti offering small but effective turns in their roles. Only Jennifer Jason Leigh seems a bit out of place with nothing to do. The film is directed by Luke Scott son of Ridley and his father's influence can be seen throughout. the film's structure is reminiscent of the original Alien and his use of music as well as setting and cinematography feels inspired. All in all it's a satisfactory genre flick even though it's a bit expected. I'm not sure everyone will enjoy this as much as I did. But as formulaic as it is it managed to hit positives to merit a solid recommend from me. ****/5

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