Friday, February 28, 2020

h20 halloween 20 years later

The first real showdown of Jamie Lee Curtis's Laurie Strode and Michael Myers happened 20 years after the original film and it's fun but not much more. Getting the brilliant Kevin Williamson of Scream to jump on board was a smart decision to capitalize on the smart slasher craze of the era but in truth it's only mildly successful. It does nothing to really correct any of the franchise's inconsistencies unlike the 2018 version. It is however a hell of a lot of fun. They take in joy in playing up the expected cliches as well adding to the meta execution with stuff like Janet Leigh a.k.a. Psycho a.k.a Curtis's real life mom complaining about the shower drains and driving her original car. After a series of decent kills we move on to a short but effective finale where the two behemoths go head to head. Something completely ruined at the start of the next film. Sexy Josh Harnett, future Oscar winner Michelle Williams and LL Cool J hamming it up also star. Michael himself is different and I'm not sure I love it. He seems mindless and a little goofy with a spiky hairdo and I do wish they used the iconic score more instead of reject Scream tracks. All in all it's a bit of mindless fun that closes out her story nicely.

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