Friday, April 17, 2020

THE HOST (2013)

I know alot of people avoided this because the same author as Twilight, Stephanie Meyer wrote the books this was adapted from. But honestly this us a completely different experience. Andrew Niccol of one of my favorite sci/fi films Gattaca directs this stylish, passionate, creative spiritual take on the Body Snatchers treatment. The truly wonderful Saoirse Ronan (Brooklyn) stars as Melanie a strong, independent young woman trying to desperately to survive during a seemingly peaceful invasion. The Aliens are delicately implanted in the bodies of humans in which the souls struggle to remain. The movie takes place mostly in her brain as the extra terrestrial tries to learn to live with the voice and passion of her captive transforming the way she sees her situation. Like Twilight there is a love triangle of sorts as Melanie is given 5he cold shoulder by her boyfriend Jared played by a ridiculously gorgeous Max Irons (Red Riding Hood). And the being begins to have feelings for another young man named Ian played by a handsome Jake Abel (Percy Jackson Sea of Monsters). But the movie is so much more than that. It truly explores what it means to be human and all of the complexities and gifts that come along with it. Unfortunately the movie wasn't a hit like the book so we won't be able to see this truly intriguing universe continued. Sure at times it can be a bit hammy but the sheer originality of it is absolutely compelling.

Budget: $40m
Domestic Box Office: $27m
Worldwide Box Office: $63m


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