Sunday, August 2, 2020


This movie has aged extremely well. Yes Oscar's alum Renee Zellweger (Jerry Maguire) and Matthew McConaughey (Dallas Buyer's Club) which they made this right out of college. But there's more to it than that. Yes the film falls into the so bad it's good category with some truly ridiculous performances and dialogue outside of the two leads. But There is a raw primal intensity that rules the film making the overly comical feel like true horror especially with the insane twist. Now I'm not saying it's believable by any means but theres a twisted theology that resonates through the proceedings. Written and directed by Kim Henkel of the original film it definitely has a weird retro feel to it all. Both Zellweger and the sexy and twisted McConaughey come out on top of the film. Both of their performances are solid and definitely leave the promise of their future cinematic endeavors and Oscar wins. All in all there's nothing like it. It's flawed and nowhere near perfect but its original and wild. As a young chainsaw fan I traveled from my home in the Nj suburbs to the city for a mostly empty matinee screening and it was worth it and still is.

Budget: $600,000
Box Office: $185,898


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