Thursday, January 14, 2016


Now that we are at the end of the year and can look back at all the offerings for the year for better or worse. It's time to reflect back and see what's worth remembering and what's already forgotten.

1. IT FOLLOWS: Did any genre film this year make more of an impact than this instant classic. Whether you loved or hated it and the audience was divided. this critically acclaimed indie film was a critical and financial hit. The simplistic concept was terrifying and the film offered some of the most nightmarish imagery ever to grace the big screen. Like any great horror film it stays with you long after the credits roll just like it's unstoppable horror. ****.75/5

2.FINAL GIRLS: It was an easy second. This retro laced throwback to slashers of yesteryear is smart, loaded with clever humor and unexpectedly emotional. Although falling on the lighter side of the genre Final Girls still managed to top the genre with an original concept and inspired execution. ****.5/5

3. KRAMPUS: Michael Dougerty's finally follows up his Halloween masterpiece with Krampus a holiday horror masterpiece. Set around Christmas a young boy looses his faith in the holiday after some unfortunate events and accidentally sets the title demon and his minions of evil loose. What follows is an energetic, creative series of events all executed with a dark gleeful nod to the horror film's of yesterday that brought on the chills as well as the laughs. It all ends on a slightly somber, but disturbing tone and will have no problem finding it's cult audience year after year. ****.25/5

4. INTO THE GRIZZLY MAZE: Most people will be rolling their eyes I'm sure but I found this throwback to nature run amok horrors of the 70's like Grizzly, Prophecy, Food of the Gods, etc. amazingly fun. Sure it doesn't add anything new to the genre but it's fun, scary and executed with a non stop, pulse pounding zest. ****.25/5

5. THE HIVE: They dropped the ball releasing this surprising, awe inspiring alien zombie love story. Loaded with a creative amount of gory thrills, strong performances and creatie direction. The Hie is one of 2015's best movies. ****.25/5

6. FREAKS OF NATURE: Who thought a movie about zombies, aliens, vampires and werewolves would work but it does. This feisty little comedic horror gem is loaded with talented comedians who hit their marks repeatedly and even though the movie starts and finishes strong and looses a little impact in it's mid section it still one hell of a fun ride. ****/5

7. SINISTER 2: I have to be honest I found the first Sinister almost unbearable. Sure it had a creepy atmosphere but it was just sooooooo boring and than that twist at the end just made everything before it seem corny. So needless to say I went into it's sequel with low expectations and came out pleasantly surprised. Sinister 2 is everything the original should have been it's scary, extends the simplistic material and most of all it's entertaining. What was dry in the original feels fresh and immersive this time around with some truly inventive creeptastic images that will be etched into your psyche long after the credits roll. ****/5

8.PARANORMAL ACTIVITY THE GHOST DIMENSION: Listen i realize the Paranormal movies haven't been good since the second but I have to say this one really brings it back to it's scary roots. Finally the film series delivers the nightmarish visuals you've been waiting for and although some of it can be hokey at times with the 3D effects this entry finally gives the audience to scream about. ****/5

9. JURASSIC WORLD: It took a lot to bring the love back to our beloved franchise. And luckily World was mostly successful. Although more like a remake of the original this reboot adds enough hollywood zest to make the proceedings feel fresh and exciting again. Plus Howard and the delicious Pratt in the leads are great! ****/5

10. FINAL GIRL: A little bit of style over substance but that style is just so intoxicating, Abigail Breslin stars as the lead as a young woman trained from when she was little by sexy Wes Bentley to kill serial killers. There are some questionable directorial choices but the film is taut and interesting throughout and damn entertaining. The gorgeous and sadistic Alexander Ludwig also stars. ***.75/5

11. DEATHGASM: Heavy Metal, blind demon zombies and dark, gory comedy mix in this slamming kick ass little gem in the vein of Shaun of the Dead. Inspired performances and an energetic execution keep the creative proceedings moving along towards it's explosive finale. It can feel a bit amateurish at times but it's damn fun! ***.75/5

12  SCOUT'S GUIDE TO THE ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE: It's Scouts vs. Zombies in this fun, silly, creative little genre mash up. It's a little much at times but the laughs and gore are aplenty even though we've seen most of this before and better. ***.5/5

13. EXETER: Marcus Nispel finally follows up his gruesome under rated Chainsaw remake with this grimy, bad ass, silly explosive little horror thriller. A group of hard partying teens awaken to a possessed party goer in a closed down asylum after a night of drug fueled debauchery. The gore and thrills come quick and fast and are non stop with highlights of the year's most impressive practical effects deaths. ***.5/5

14. EXTINCTION: Matthew Fox and Jefferey Donovan deliver solid performances in a different take on the whole post apocalyptic, zombie movie subgenre. They star as Two men who used to be friends but share a terrible past that broke them apart and left one of them as a father to a young girl. The creature design is very creepy and creative but the execution is what really sets this film apart. The film is emotionally engaging and the proceedings roll out with an immersive inspired zest. ***.5/5

15. THE HALLOW: A young couple and their newborn who have moved into a new home in the Irish countryside come under attack by some truly voracious creatures intent on stealing their young. What could of been a silly creature feature instead is executed with a dark, creative zest. It all seems to play out accordingly at first but somewhere in the middle it transforms into a nightmarish edge of your seat thrill ride with a truly unique execution that make the proceedings feel surprising and emotionally immersive. ***.5/5

16. A CHRISTMAS HORROR STORY: Luckily we got to holiday horror gems this year with this unexpectedly fun and creative genre entry. A group of dark stories collides on Christmas Day involving changelings, Mr Krampus himself, an elf zombie outbreak and some aggressive ghosts amongst a few more. Not all of it works perfectly but what stands is an inspired, immersive holiday genre entry. ***.5/5

17. BURYING THE EX: The adorable Anton Yelchin stars as a young man whose dating an annoying  clingy young woman played by Ashley Greene. When finally gathering the courage to break up with her she is accidentally hit by a bus. And with the help of a satanic charm she comes back from the dead with plans on continuing their romance. What follows is some clever, goretastic sequences and some big laughs. It's not all perfect but it's a step in the right direction for Dante in his best film since Gremlins 1 and 2. ***.5/5

18. #HORROR: A movie about spoiled 12 y/o rich girls may not sound very appealing to you but Tara Subkoff's inspired, creative approach to the material is wonderfully creative with a unique social commentary that's more prevalent than ever.A group of very mean young girls gathers at one of their homes for a hangout session when a convenient psycho starts knocking them off one by one. The editing feels a little hectic and the execution although wonderfully stylish does seem a little to chaotic and unfitting at times. Still the commentary about modern youth, their disconnection to society as well as their peers and the parenting responsible is inspired and prevalent. ***.5/5

19. FUN SIZE HORROR VOL.1: Halloween horror takes the anthology route with these mini tales of terror. Not all of them work but more than enough do. There's some really creepy stuff here from vengeful ghosts, night time monsters and deadly shadows amongst so much more. The film smartly plays against expectations and sets up it's chills in smart, creative ways. ***.25/5

20. GOOSEBUMPS: R.L. Stine's celebrated horror series gets the bring screen treatment in a kiddie horror film that is a little too busy for it's own good but has enough creepy crawlers to merit a recommendation. Also the performances are charming especially the lead and the story is uniquely put together paying homage to all notable baddies from the books. ***.25/5

21. CRIMSON PEAK: Guillermo Del Toro's highly anticipated ghost story finally showed up this November and ended up being a little bit of a dud. Although loaded with gorgeous visuals a haunting score, beautiful costumes and solid performances, the culmination of the storyline ended up being a little stupid. That being said with lower expectations there's more than enough here to merit a light recommendation especially considering Chastain's delightful bat shit crazy performance. ***.25/5

22. THE LAST WITCH HUNTER: Vin Diesel and Elijah Wood team up in this wannabe franchise that offers moderate thrills but is ultimately forgettable. An ancient witch is released from purgatory and wants to enact revenge by releasing hell on earth and only a lone warrior and his posse can stop her. Despite some cool visuals and a generic but entertaining pace "Hunter" couldn't find an audience domestically but did well enough over seas. There's enough here to merit a light recommendation. ***/5

23. BOUND TO VENGEANCE: A young woman escapes from a dank dungeon and targets revenge on her captor. But when she learns that there's other women in her position she forces her captor to take her to them so that she can try and save them.  The film never goes to where it needs to on any level but does offer some semi exciting vigilante justice. Unfortunately the film never breaks free of it's generic reigns and it's performances stay strictly in the up all night category. ***/5

24. THE LAZURUS EFFECT: I now many of you hated on this flick but I found the film to be intriguing conceptually with some truly creeptastic moments as well as some haunting visuals. A scientific team doing research on bringing the dead back to life test it on one of their own who accidentally dies with some truly regrettable results. From telekinesis to delusions to well hell Lazurus manages to explore the same old material with a fresh spin. Although only moderately successful the movie does hae it's charms one of them being the gorgeous Evan Peters. ***/5

25. THE VATICAN TAPES: Okay I know it's not a good film by any means but that lead performance from Dudley has some striking moments as does the film which has a fare amount of memorable shock value and one hell of a ending. As for the setup it's your run of the mill exorcist movie executed decently but with an inspired, thought provoking finale.***/5

26. POLTERGEIST: Loo it could hae been worse. There's a fare amount of charm here but the film's main issue is that it never sits on things long enough to make an impact. Although mostly forgettable the film does retain a spunky charm mostly due to it's priest. ***/5

27. MUCK: It would be easy to hate on this film. There's very little plot, the characters are poorly drawn, the story seems ripped from much better films. But the film has a trashy charm about it plus the actors are hot and the gore is aplenty. Not all of it good but the practical effects and the death sequences are quite impressive. The execution is questionable at points but there's a tinge of very dark, sarcastic humor through out it. The movie doesn't take itself too seriously and to enjoy it neither should you. Just check your brain at the door and have some dirty fun. ***/5

28. STUNG: While at an outdoor dinner party a group of guests and the wait staff find themselves battling mutated, giant bugs. It starts off well enough with some fun dialogue, charming performances and when moving into the invasion the practical effects are pretty cool. But when the movie hits the mid section it becomes slightly repetitive and a little too generic for it's own good. Instead of developing the film further they recede into cliches and although it ends on a high note the proceedings feel a tad bit overly mediocre. ***/5

29. DARK WAS THE NIGHT: It's not like we really need another film about wendigos but Dark is an intriguing watch. It doesn't present itself as a monster flick and seems to be an eco thriller of sorts. When a series of murders plague a small town and the wildlife starts to disappear a sheriff and his deputy try and discover the cost before it claims it's next victim. The film is overly ambitious and not entirely successful but the performances are strong even though they feel out of place at times and the film is shot well. Ultimately the pacing begins to feel a bit uneven and the finale turns into a generic CGI fest. But it's hard not to appreciate the film's aspirations. Plus Kevin Durand of The Strain is sexy. ***/5

30. THE DIABOLICAL: At face value the movie appears as just another haunting entry but about midway you discover a lot more is going on here than meets the eye. Although the twist will surely divide viewers. Conceptually the film is intriguing and although the execution feels a little misleading the culmination of events is striking and emotionally effective. Ali Larter is solid in the lead role and the film manages a fare amount of scares before the complexity starts evolving. In the end it's far from perfect but a unique film all it's own. ***/5

31. WE ARE STILL HERE: This angry ghost movie is a mixed bag at best. It's execution is questionable at points stretching out the pacing so that it feels way longer than it's 80 minute running time. But that finale and it's disturbing imagery is still etched in my psyche. Although it doesn't bring anything new to the genre. It's impressive in how atmospheric and terrifying the last half is. **.75/5

32. SHARKNADO 3-OH HELL NO: This series is starting to loose me. Now watching the third entry in this unnecessary but entertaining saga the first feels more grounded than ever. I won't bother going into specifics. It has it's moments but there's more fails than wins. Still it manages to have a perverse ridiculousness about it that will keep me coming back. **.75/5

33. THE GREEN INFERNO: Without a doubt one of the year's biggest disappointments. Eli Roth returns to the genre with this well meaning but ultimately lackluster entry. Trying to revive the infamous cannibal genre a group of seemingly innocent college students trying to save an indigenous tribe and fall victim to the tribe they are trying to protect. The film touched on the absurdity of people following causes they are not informed about. And the film does have a raw visceral impact when it starts but halfway through it becomes comedic and eventually becomes unintentionally funny with one of the most cheap, ridiculous dream sequences ever seen in a theatrically released movie. Still there's enough here to merit a watch if only for the effective subtext alone. **.75/5

34. HELLIONS: I'm just not sure what to make of this film. A young woman on Halloween falls pray to demonic children as they drag her into a fantastical world with horrors around every corner. The film is no doubt creative and it has some scares early on. But the execution is confusing and the film loses it's conviction the more it goes on. it's too complicated to be scary and too silly too be taken seriously. Despite it's small positives it's ultimately forgettable. **.5/5

35. THE GALLOWS: This ho hum found footage horror/thriller about teens locked in a haunted high school theater fizzled at the box office and deservedly so. Although it has some truly suspenseful moments it's too stupid to have much of an impact. There's nothing here you haven't seen before and better. **.5/5

36. THE NIGHTMARE: I wanted so much more from this documentary about sleep paralysis and how scary it is for a large portion of the people that suffer from it. But the execution leaves much to be desired as the reenactments come off unintentionally  funny and the film feels less credible as it goes on. Conceptually it's all very interesting and very scary it's just that this film isn't. **.5/5

37. BLOODSUCKING BASTARDS: Sure it all sounds fun on paper but besides some laughs there's nothing new here as a vampire virus rips through a generic office. It wants to be an edgier Shaun of the dead meets Horrible Bosses but doesn't have the talent to take it home. **.5/5

38. AREA 51: Oren Peli's long delayed follow up to the original Paranormal Activity was finally released this year and everyone discovered that it was buried for good reason. Despite an intriguing premise the film doesn't deliver on any level. The proceedings never feel real or fantastic enough especially to merit the tepid found footage execution. **.5/5

39. HARBINGER DOWN: if you want to watch The Thing, you watch The Thing. Although innovative this cheap knock off feels dated even though it was just released. Sure some of the makeup and ideas are fun but the execution just falls flat. **.5/5

40. THE VISIT: It was only a matter of time before M. Night Shylaman returned to the genre and the sub genre of found footage to ruin it. This half assed, borderline offensive wannabe chiller is executed with an immature, irresponsible hand,  in a film  that should be titled "Old people are scary". There are moments of suspense and the performances are decent but limited. **.5/5

41. SOME KIND OF HATE: There is a good movie here buried under all this cinematic rubble. The premise is interesting as a troubled teen is sent to a sort of reform camp where he finds himself bullied once more and ends up releasing a tortured spirit of a young girl who commited suicide there who targets his enemies. There are some creative bits especially the death sequences but the story lacks imagination and the execution lacks conviction and the performance from the villain is one of the most annoying ever. But some of the guys are hot. **.5/

42. TALES OF HALLOWEEN: Without a  doubt the year's biggest disappointment in my opinion. This should have been a great Halloween anthology film featuring excerpts by some of the most promising horror directors. Instead the film has a few inspired bits here and there, two of them being Adrienne Barbeau and a nod to Halloween 3 but it doesn't come together as well as it should and feels surprisingly amateur with most of it's execution. **.25/5

43. GOODNIGHT MOMMY: Riding a wave of buzz and having one of the most creepy trailers ever doesn't bode well for this film. As they build expectations that are completely misleading. The twist is quite obvious early on and even though the cinematography is hauntingly beautiful the director never creates an atmosphere of true tension instead making the proceedings feel frustrating and unwarranted. The culmination of events makes it's way into uncomfortable torture porn territory which feels unnecessary and cheap. **/5

44. DEMONIC: This little seen horror movie has big time people tied in with it. Mario Bello and sexy Frank Grillo star amongst others and James Wan produces. After viewing it you easily see why the film has been buried. Although it has enough scenes to make for a kick ass trailer and an interesting send off the majority of the proceedings are generic and drawn out. Still Grillo and Bello add as much zest as they can to their severely underwritten roles. I guess no one wanted to muck up their name. **/5

45. INSIDIOUS CHAPTER 3: Further proof that we should have let it all end with the brilliant original. If you thought the second was mediocre you're in for a shocker. Here comes Chapter 3 the definitive generic, clichéd chapter you've been waiting for. Besides for some decent performances there's not much here. a few well timed jump scares and a whole lot of nothing. At least the second was ambitious enough to expand upon the mythology, this chapter is just content with filling up it's running time with nothingness. **/5

46. POD: Somewhat stylish questionable monster flick lets it's interesting setup fall away into awfulness. There's laughable performances from the start but the unintentionally funnies mostly come later when the plot opens up and we realize this is a grade D rip off of an X files episode. Add that to the fact that the movie feels like a week long at only 80 mins. Despite all the negatives the film does set up an intriguing atmosphere it never delivers on. **/5

47. VICTOR FRANKENSTEIN: From the pits of Hollywood came this dreadfully boring update on the whole Frankenstein mythos. The talented, sexy studs Danielle Radcliffe and James McAvoy give it their all (and usually end up being too over the top) but even they're not enough to save this witless reinvention which has some cool ideas and even some good practical effects but ends up being one of the worst movies of recent years. *.5/5

48. DEAD RISING WATCHTOWER: Well I guess I should have known. I'm not going to say because it's a video game adaptation because I tend to love a lot of those but maybe because it arrived on no buzz and premiered on Crackle. But I thought the trailer looked pretty fun but boy was I dead wrong. Dead Rising joins the ranks of being one of the worst movies ever made. I'm not sure how they got this cast on this insipid script but they all deliver terrible performances and the film has absolutely nothing to offer It's not even so bad it's good. It's just so bad you want to turn it off, even the practical effects looks cheap. Avoid at all costs no matter how much you wanna see Jesse Metcalfe, he's not even shirtless. The worst movie of 2015. *.25/5

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