Wednesday, January 6, 2016


2015 Color
82 Mins.
Spencer Breslin, Grace Phipps, Sierra McCormick, Brando Eaton, Ronen Rubenstein and Andrew Byranski star.
Written and Directed by Adam Egypt Mortimer
Rated R for language, violence, sexuality and gore.

A bullied teen sent to reform school accidentally summons the ghost of a bullied young woman who wreaks vengeance on his tormentors.And that about sums it up. Positives: creative death sequences, two hot guys Eaton and Rubenstein, some decent performances amidst the rubble and it tries. Negatives: The movie is amateurly directed, the script is generic, the performance from Sierra McCormick is so over the top annoying not to say that she doesn't have talent but she needs to be reeled in and at 82 mins. the proceedings feel so much longer. I'e heard some decent buzz on this title but the more I think about it, the more I dislike it. Conceptually it's impressive and could have added some real insight into bullying and abuse. Instead we have an after school special with an unnecessary ridiculous amount of gore and hardly any real suspense. That being said the film does try to be something more than what it is. and maybe that's the problem instead of having fun with it's concept it approaches it's subject matter heavy handed without the talent or patience to pull it off. **.5/5

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