Monday, January 25, 2016


2016 Color
97 Mins.
Lauren Cohan and Rupert Evans star.
Written by Stacey Menear
Directed by William Brent Bell
Rated PG-13 for language and violence.

William Brent Bell doesn't have the best track record. Having been responsible for the cinematic atrocities The Devil Inside and Stay Alive. January also isn't known for quality fare having recently spawned the lackluster The Forest. So it comes as no surprise that The Boy is a little bit of a let down. That being said it is without a doubt the best and most ambitious film of Bell's career and is also much better than the months precious offering. The film centers on an american nanny named Greta played by The Walking Dead's Lauren Cohan who after a life altering event takes up a job in the English countryside. Working with an older couple who have lost their son and have replaced him with a doll replica. Soon after they leave strange things begin to happen that lead Greta to believe Brahms the doll may be alive. The movie is a slow burn and Bell has trouble establishing an atmosphere that works. The proceedings are never as scary or suspenseful as they should be although there are a few jump scares. The performances all heir on the mediocre side Evans making the best of his limited role. The big reveal at the end is intriguing but stolen from better films which if I should name would give away all the goods. The Boy isn't a bad movie by any means it has intriguing themes running through it. There are side notes concerning Greta's past and how it links to the story as well as a few twists that make the proceedings way more involved than they appear in the trailers or TV Spots. The big problem with the film is that it refuses to have any fun with it's concept and instead takes it all way too seriously. Also because the execution is off the events never end up connecting in a meaningful or effective way instead culminating in a dry, forgettable conclusion that never has the punch you wait the whole movie for. **.5/5

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