Tuesday, July 21, 2020

CARRIE (2013)

This remake gets alot of undeserved hate. It's of course nowhere as good as the superior original. But I don't think anyone ever thought it would be. Queer director Kimberly Pierce's (Boy's Don't Cry) interpretation and adaptation of the material is not completely unnecessary. The setup is the same as Carrie is bullied by some girls at school and than begins to discover she has telekinetic powers. She of course makes it to the prom where a prank is pulled and everyone suffers a horrible fate because of it. In this version Jullianne Moore has the strongest impact as her overly religious mother and we get an idea of why. It seems she may be a lesbian and punishes herself everytime she is attracted to a woman. It also is implied that she was raped and Carrie was a result of that. It definitely adds a dimension to that story that wasn't there before. Pierce also interprets the main character differently. This Carrie has more control over her powers and the film is almost a setup for a superhero/villain origin story. Regardless although somewhat impressive it lacks the power and precision of the original film. Chloe Moretz Grace is also decent as Carrie but lacks the genuine touch and power of Sissy Spacek's performance. As for the others only Judy Greer as the gym teacher and the adorable and charming Anson Mount as her date make an impression. All in all it's a pretty good movie that leads up to a somewhat  ridiculous but sort of bad ass finale. I wish Pierce would have kept it more subtle. In that I think the ultimate message of the movie about bullying, religious extremism, self worth and discovery would have been delivered more clearly.

Budget: $30M
Box Office: $85M


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