Thursday, February 11, 2016


2015 Color
92 Mins.
Reid Warner, Darrin Bragg and Ben Rovner star.
Written and Directed by Oren Peli
Rated R for language, sexuality, gore and violence.

Oren Peli's follow up to the original Paranormal Activity finally arrived in May of last year after being delayed and now we know why. Area 51 kinda sucks. The film follows a group of friends that decide to explore the secretive base and run across some deadly E.T.s. The movie is disappointing on so many levels. Unlike paranormal one this film never builds any suspense or a believable atmosphere. As with most found footage films the leads have a bit of charm but the culmination of events is lackluster at best. When they do finally get to the goods like the later paranormal entries the camera veers away from them leaving us the audience stupefied to why the film was even made to begin with. The camera work is reminiscent of Cloverfield but way less effective and the light special effects on display look cheap and costumey. All in all it's not the worst film I've seen but one that's instantly forgettable tossed rightly into the cinematic rubble of this strained subgenre. **/5

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