Wednesday, February 10, 2016


2015 Color
90 Mins.
Anna Lise Phillips, Jack Campbell and Katie Moore star.
Written by Evan Randall Green
Directed by Nick Robertson
N/R contains language, violence and gore.

poor man's Cujo. Using Jaws techniques of shadows and lighting to buid suspense. neer established suspenseful atmosphere. Characters are hard to root for because they are so dumb. moronic ending generic film

The Pack arrived quietly this weekend with a limited theatrical/VOD release. It's another in a long line of bland remakes that embarrass their source material. This poor man's Cujo centers on a struggling family on a desolate farm who find themselves in trouble when they are attacked by a pack of wild dogs. Mostly everything in this film plays out accordingly hitting every cliche possible. It's only in some directorial choices that the film feels a little inventive. Like Jaws it uses some of the same techniques when the deadly animals are approaching. The use of shadows and light is quite inspired. Unfortunately although the intention is too build suspense it never solidifies a suspenseful atmosphere and instead the scenes don't have the impact they should. The performances are pretty standard across the board but the amateur writing makes the characters hard to root for because of how stupid they are. It's insulting in this day and age to create such characters in a genre film that are this ridiculous making every wrong decision possible. Making you wonder if the people involved have seen any recent horror films. I mean it is so frustrating to watch these events unfold and how nonsensical they are. Ultimately The Pack is not a terrible film but it's weak execution guarantees that it's instantly forgettable. **/5

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