Wednesday, February 3, 2016


1988 Color
99 Mins.
Tim Daly, Kelly Preston and Rick Rossovich star.
Written by Tracy Torme
Directed by Janet Greek
Rated R for language, violence, gore sexuality and nudity.

Most people don't now about this little seen supernatural thriller. I remember seeing it as a kid and it didn't leave a tremendous impression on me but had some moments that stuck with me. Now so many years later I found it streaming on Amazon Prime and decided to revisit it.The film centers around a studly lawyer played by sexy Tim Daly who with his equally sexy friend played by gorgeous Rick Rossovich sees a young woman being abused in the parking lot and decides to intervene. After saving her he ends up taking her home and she does some naked witchcraft on him. It all starts off perfectly enough until her devilish cult comes looking for her. A sort of supernatural stalking stalking occurs culminating to a surprisingly involved finale. Spellbinder is by no means a classic but it is an intriguing watch that deserves more attention than it's gotten. It's stylishly made with some unique practical effects and has some really creepy moments one of which is an attack where the cult seem to bend the windows with magic. It's an interesting effect that holds up rather well. All in all it's a mixed watch but does have enough goods to merit a recommendation. Pus a young, gorgeous Kelly Lebrock stars as the seductive female lead. ***.25/5

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