Tuesday, February 9, 2016


2016 Color
108 Mins.
Ethan Hawke, Emma Watson, David Thewlis and Aaron Ashmore star.
Written and Directed by by Alejandro Amneabar
Rated R for language, violence, sexuality and nudity.

I'm not sure what I can say so I won't ruin this movie for people reading this.So I'm not going to give any clues to any plot twists in the film. I only wanna say that I was kinda blown away by it. The film centers around a young woman who accuses her father or molestation. When confronted by the police he admits to it and the case begins to open up further discovering possible satanic ritual ties.The movie stars Ethan Hawke as the lead detective reminding us why he's still acting and Emma Watson is equally impressive as her complex character. This is the type of movie they don't make any more like Rosemary's Baby. It's more than just a slow burn it has a tense paranoia running through out it. The proceedings are very immersive. Courtesy of Amnebar's solid execution and the darkly gorgeous cinematography. The movie establishes a sense of foreboding dread as soon as it begins and even when nothing is happening it never lets up. Amneabar is smart in the way that he toys with the audience playing with perceptions as well as suggesting things to send you in certain directions. The culmination of events is less impressive and may feel a little familiar but the road getting there is solid. Regression joins a long line of deserved films denied a wide theatrical release. Even more shocking is the fact that the film has only garnered 8% positive on rotten tomatoes. Just goes to show you, you can't always trust a high score (hello Goodnight Mommy) Solidly performed, and stylishly executed Regression is a paranoia inducing cinematic creepfest! ****/5

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