Monday, February 1, 2016


2015 color
118 Mins.
Jesse Metcalfe, Virginia Madsen and Rob Riggle star.
Written by Tim Carter
Directed by Zach Lipovsky
N/R contains language, violence and gore.

Based on the popular video game a group of people band together to try and survive a zombie apocalypse. This film is the reason why video game adaptations and horror films in general have such a bad rap. It's a cheap looking, crass, atrocious trash fest that is predictable and isn't entertaining on any level even the so bad it's good. It's hard to understand why so many people signed up for this thing like Oscar Nominee Virginia Madsen or sexy Jesse Metcalfe. As in any generic zombie movie there is an outbreak, people band together and we get half assed stories about lost family members and friends. Some where in this mess is a statement about how journalism is censored but it never remotely connects and everything just ends up unintentionally funny. It all culminates with a forced big boss fight that comes off so tacky and charmless it's hard to believe any of this even worked on paper and visually it just look a low grade high school play. And about these performances, they should all be embarrassed. Watching this overlong crapfest it is admirable how everyone involved got absolutely nothing right. This is one hell of a dismal cinematic experience. .5/5

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