Monday, February 22, 2016


2006 color
90 Mins.
Amber Heard, Anson Mount, Michael Welch and Luke Grimes star.
Written by Jacob Forman
Directed by Jonathan Levine
Rated R for language, violence, gore, sexuality, nudity, violence, drug use and gore.

This criminally underseen dark horror gem stars Amber Heard in what would have been a star making role if it was released properly as the title character. An innocent young teen who goes away with her friends on a holiday weekend to a secluded ranch. Soon after people begin to disappear as a mysterious killer dispatches them one by one. The body count grows and so do the suspects finally culminating to a surprising and disturbing finale. What makes this slice of teenage life so effective is how genuine it all feels. The kids in this film feel real from their insecurities about themselves and where they stand in the world and hoe they lash out at the closest people around them. The film offers an intriguing social commentary on the modern teen at their disconnection to everything around them. Even with all of that heft the film still delivers on the fun gruesome thrills and since the characters and story are solidly developed. We care about what's going on. Also quite impressive is the wonderfully atmospheric cinematography and perfect soundtrack. And the performances are solid across the board but Heard really shines in the lead. She gives Mandy so many intriguing layers.  There are many reasons why this film didn't receive the release it deserved most of them I'm sure have to do with the financials. Weinstein was going under at the time it was made and it was sold to Senator and they went bankrupt. Fortunately some years later it finally found the light of day with a super limited and unjustly quiet theatrical run and VOD release. Currently you can buy the film on DVD/Blu ray from amazon. Some other reasons may have to do with the controversial subject matter and execution of the material. The film is fittingly bleak for most of it's run time it's depictions of teens is strikingly shocking. Think Kids with a slasher twist. All The Boys Love Mandy Lane deserves to find it's audience it's a powerful little film that feels as timely now as the day it was supposed to come out. Deservedly Jonathan Levine is still having a promising career having directed 50/50, Warm Bodies and most recently The Night Before. ****.5/5

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