Sunday, December 15, 2019


So sorry for the missed day. I work in retail and as anyone knows who does, the holidays suck and work just sucks the life out of you. But now for my passion, movies! especially horror movies. And there's no one who enjoys watching people die around xmas than me, fictionally of course, lol. Both of these seasonal horror gems were released in December of 2015. One theatrically and the other on VOD and dvd/Blu-ray. It's actually quite a fitting pairing as Krampus by Michael Dougherty came out theatrically and Christmas Horror Story, a holiday horror anthology was also released. The thing that connects them as that I believe some people went into Krampus expecting the same treatment Dougherty did with his Halloween treasure Trick 'r' Treat by making it an anthology and were a little disappointed by the fact that it was a standard one story feature. At the same time people found that in the other film which blends together a bunch of xmas horror tales less succesfully in an attempt to link them the same way Dougherty did. So if this all interests you keep on reading below for my reviews of both films.

Univeral 2015 98 Mins. Adam Scott, Toni Collette, Emjay Anthony, Stefanie Lavie Owen, Conchata Ferrell, Allison Tollman and David Koechner star. Written and Directed by Michael Dougherty Rated PG-13 for language, violence and terror.

Made for a cool 15 million Dougherty's under rated holiday gem made a nifty 61 mil worldwide. Although not a huge success it definitely opens an interesting door for more successful seasonal horror films. Set around Christmas an upper middle class family makes room for their blue collar extended family members during the holiday season. Chaos of course ensues which leads to the reading of a child's Christmas letter. Upset he tears it up loosing belief in the holiday which opens the doors for a nightmarish Krampus and his ghastly minions.

Dougherty injects his own brand of darkly comical and creative storytelling into the holiday genrefest. Don't be fooled by the PG-13 rating the movie is quite dark and feels very much hopeless. And because the performances are strong all around as well as some spectacular practical effects creations it makes the situation that much more dire because you care about some of these people and their plight seems genuine.

 I have to admit I was a little disappointed when I first saw this. Coming off the previous high from his first film. But as I watch it each year, it just gets better and better. If you haven't seen it, remedy that quickly it's one of the best seasonal horror additions. It stars sexy and solid Adam Scott and a scene stealing Toni Collette and a solid supporting cast.

Lionsgate 2015 99 Mins. William Shatner and George Buza star. Written by Jason Filiatrault, James Kee, Sarah Larsen, Doug Taylor and Pascal Trottier. Directed by Grant Harvey, Steven Hoban and Brett Sullivan. Rated R for language, violence, gore and sexual situations.
This movie is far better than most people give it credit for. Although it can be a little sloppy and amateurish at times the weaving of the stories is credible even though it feels like some of it doesn't fit. That being said these are some really chilling tales. One involving a naughty family and a sort of sexy Krampus.
 I don't know it may just be me, lol. A changeling, a ghost in a basement, Santa and an attack of killer zombie elves and more. The most impressive bits are the ones that go very dark and that's a lot of the movie. Don't expect anything watered down here some of it is quite nightmarish and it doesn't spring for goofy jumpy scares.
 Some of the performances feel a little forced but all in all most of the actors do a good job. It's also surprising to find out that it was done by three directors because the film feels quite fluid as you watch it. It all culminates in a surprisingly bad ass and unexpected way. kudos to everyone involved in this unique production I hope they decide to do more sequels and open up the universe they created.
 Out of the two films I definitely prefer Krampus it's bit more refined but I really do like both films and they've become part of my yearly tradition. Until tomorrow try and survive the holidays.

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