Wednesday, October 14, 2015


1992 Color
104 Mins.
Timothy Balme, Diana Penalver and Elizabeth Moody star.
Written by Stephen Sinclair
Directed by Peter Jackson
N/R contains graphic violence, outrageous gore and sexuality.

Who would have know that Peter Jackson would go on too direct the award winning, game changing fantasy franchise Lord of the Rings. Not there is not a huge wealth of imagination and creativity in this now classic Zombie comedy. Rightfully declared the goriest film of all time Dead Alive a.k.a Braindead is a ballsy take on the sub genre. It's bat shit crazy in it's depiction of a virus spawned from a mutant animal that starts to infect residents of a small town in the most vomit inducing of ways. At the center of it all is a sweet romance involving Lionel a mother's boy and Paquita. While on a date Lionel's Mum is bitten by the strange animal and immediately begins to exhibit symptoms which manifest horribly at a ladies lunch in where puss from a sore on her face plops into the custard they're eating. As well as eating a dog and other stomach churning actions. But as her illness gets worse she begins to attack and infect others which leads to zombies having sex, zombie babies, a martial arts expert whose also the town Priest and a massacre that blows anything out of the water you've seen before. Despite the graphic violence and extreme gore on screen it's all handled with a soft tone by Jackson. Keeping things light and funny instead of opting for a more serious tone that may have not worked. The practical effects in the film are the real star here and they are beyond amazing!. Towards the end the creatures have a sort of mutated Muppet like quality but it doesn't take away from gut churning effect of it all. I consider myself to be a pretty strong horror fan but I couldn't help but wince more than once at the moments on screen. The performances are hammy across the board intentionally and most of the dar even grimy humor hits it mark as well as it's effective central romance. Dead Alive is a staple of the horror genre. If you haven't seen it I highly suggest you make it a priority it's a gross funny, horror romance spectacle unlike anything else. ****.75/5

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