Sunday, October 4, 2015


Gabriel Basso, Kathryn Prescott and Jacob Zachar star.
Written by Will Honley and David Yarovesky
Rated R for langusge, violence and gore.

I didn't know what to expect walking into The Hive. I hadn't heard much buzz about it. I had seen the trailer which looked great and read some positive reviews. But my expectations were still on the low side mostly due to the film being dumped to a one night only screening for fathom events which wasn't advertised and a quiet VOD release. Well after having seen it I can say without a doubt it's one of the best genre films of the year. And it's really just a unique experience all around. The handsome Gabriel Basso stars as Adam a sort of man whore who sleeps with all the girls who work at the summer camp with him. Enter Kathryn Prescott as Katie a young woman he accidentally physically hurts while joking around and who he ends up falling for. It may all sound fairly cheesy but it's handled perfectly and is very believable. As for the threat it's basically a mash up of the movie invasion meets 28 days later with a little evil dead mixed in but really it's own thing altogether. The movie is told out of order presenting itself as a mystery which makes the proceedings that much more engaging. There is a solid amount of character development and the concept about a sort of disease taking control of peoples bodies and making the whole population one universal being is really interesting and thought provoking. Basso and Prescott have fantastic chemistry and are really solid as the leads. There's a few shocks here and there but for the most part it's not very scary although it is quite suspenseful because you have such an investment in these characters. And in my 36 years of life it's hard to pinpoint another film that is like this. And for the originality alone it deserves an overwhelming recommendation. Sure there are moments obviously limited by it's low budget but for the most part it is an intensely stylish well played exploration of human emotions in the tapestry of cinematic horror. Definitely worth a watch!

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