Thursday, March 5, 2020

FRIDAY THE 13TH (1980)


This review is for the unrated cut which has a touch more glorious Savini gore. It's crazy to think how this franchise started. Because when most of us think of it, we refer to the incomparable Hockey mask clad Jason Voorhees whose only in the movie a smidge and not in the form we most know him. The killer is Mrs. Voorhees played amazingly by Betsy Palmer. As we all know she targets the group of counselors trying to reopen the camp blaming them for the death of her son and judging them with brimstone and fire morals. She slices and dices them in increasingly impressive ways from sexy Kevin Bacons throat piercing to his girlfriend getting an axe in the face and so much more. It all culminates with her glorious beheading and one of the best jump scare endings of all time, if not the best. Revisiting it all these years later it's easy to see the film's many imperfections but also see why it spawned a 12 film franchise with a 13th hopefully on the way. It's formula of suspenseful atmosphere and gruesome quick kills is something almost every horror film has replicated in various degrees, some better and some worse. Bit one thing is absolutely certain to me the film us deservedly and undoubtedly a genre classic.


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