Thursday, March 19, 2020


This was always one of my favorites growing up. I don't know how, I guess I discovered it at one of my local video stores because of the rad cover. The movie centers around a group of attractive teens who crash at an island where an old recluse woman used to live after a tragic accident. The island is filled with her protective dogs and her humongous, deformed son who's hungry as hell. The movie is shot well, although it can be a bit dark in places and sadly the blu ray that was released does have some audio problems. That being said the film is atmospheric with a likable leading lady and her hunky boyfriend. The monster himself is imposing and squeal worthy and although it's a slow burn the film ratchets up a fare amount of effective suspense leading up to a satisfying finale. It never caught on the way it should have but it's definitely worth a watch.


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