Sunday, March 29, 2020


I have to say I really enjoyed this criminally underseen John Carpenter (Halloween '78') gem. Made the same year Halloween exploded at the box office this TV movie featured the gorgeous and charasmatic Lauren Hutton as a single young woman who gets a new job and place in the big bad city. Unfortunately for her someone has noticed. He begins to stalk her by calling her frequently in very creepy ways and than things start to become physical. It's easy to write it off as just a generic thriller but there's alot too love here. First of all the screenplay which is also by John Carpenter is really fantastic. It's an almost perfect reflection of the time and the harassment women had to endure. It's also very smart in it's depiction of the war of the sexes and the independent woman of the 70s. Also impressive is the way the awesome Adreienne Barbeau's character is written. It's often referenced as a solid and positive portrayal of an lgbtq character and considering the time in which it was released it deserves extra props. The dialogue is funny and relatable. You care about these characters and they're easy to root for because they're genuinely likable. As for the thriller stuff it's effective but a little bland especially by today's standards. That being said it's still a competent, well made film with great performances and it's really well made by a guy who was just about to be mega famous.


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