Sunday, March 15, 2020


Chronicling the gayest horror movie ever made, Nightmare on elm street 2 Freddy's Revenge. The documentary centers around Mark Patton who at the time was not an out gay actor and how the reputation stalled his career. But even more than that the film chronicles the outlook of Hollywood on it's gay artists and the effects of the industry people had to endure. Surprisingly the movie also investigates the Aids epidemic. Although it wasn't as fun as I thought it would be. I loved that the makers weren't afraid to go into the darker stuff. I wish it could have touched a little deeper with Patton himself. But the film does give me a new found appreciation for him and the struggle he went through. As a kid I never picked up on the in your face subtext. And if I'm being honest although I liked it I never counted this entry as one of my favorites. But over the past few years and understanding it more I definitely have a new love for it.


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