Tuesday, March 24, 2020


This is a movie that works better symbolically than it does at face value. A father takes his young daughters on a trip to spread their mother's ashes after she died of cancer at the place where they fell in love. While there they are attacked by as group of demonic children in hoods at night. Trapped in the middle of nowhere the father hiked out to try and get help but the little monsters have a more insidious plan for their newest victims. The movie is definitely creepy and emotionally resonant. It's also a bit uneven and has an amateur feel due to the clunky direction. Ultimately the children represent grief and how we hold onto it even when it's time too let go. The problem is the movie is quite nonsensical and heavy handed. That being said the performances are pretty solid all around and you can't help but give props to the makers for being do ambitious. Which makes it fit perfectly into Hulu's innovative Into the Dark series. Plus it's scary. Father's Day.


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